Charge from the Provost
Amid the campus’ current challenges, there is an opportunity to consider how new programs and degrees could positively impact enrollments and SSU’s overall institutional health. The group will identify how current degrees and programs align with SSU’s identity as a public liberal arts and sciences university as well as consider opportunities for new and innovative programs. This group will provide recommendations on how to enhance the university’s program makeup and composition to address the needs of underserved student populations, expand experiential learning, support local workforce development needs, expand graduate education, utilize data to recommend effective modalities, and consider new educational models to expand offerings of certificates, credentials, and other pathways to incentivize continued and enhanced student enrollment.
Evaluate the program portfolio and how a public liberal arts and sciences identity could drive investment in current and new programs. Use market and student demand data to evaluate program offerings to meet student needs and increase enrollment opportunities. As part of this portfolio, evaluate the following:
- Propose specific criteria, including metrics, for assessing the health and impact of existing academic programs at SSU.
- Recommend academic program reorganizations to maximize potential for interdisciplinarity, strategic scheduling and space optimization, and a sharpened campus identity.
- Explore how certificates and degree programs (including both self-support and state supported programs) “stack” to create clear educational pathways and to encourage prospective students to enroll in consecutive offerings.
Current/New Programs Driving Questions:
- What is the appropriate mix of programs for Sonoma State as a public liberal arts and sciences institution within the CSU (e.g., workforce demand)?
- How will we support and manage low enrolled programs, impacted programs, programs with low graduation rates, programs with high general education or service numbers but low major numbers? What data should be used for program evaluation?
- What is the role of post-baccalaureate education at Sonoma State University?
- How should we evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of our academic programs?
- How will internships be managed at the School/Department level?
- What should the appropriate academic organization and structure be? What about centers/departments with multiple programs housed within?
- What interdisciplinary programs could be created based on existing coursework and how could we foster team teaching?
- Are there particular disciplines where the creation of new or revision of existing degree or certificate programs offered in online or hybrid modalities could enhance SSU’s competitiveness?
- Can certificates, micro-credentials, and badges fit in our current or future program offerings?
- How does modality impact our program delivery and our service to different kinds of students?
AMP Current & New Programs Spring 2023 Interim Report
AMP Current & New Programs Fall 2023 Recommendations and Report - Please note: The Current and New Programs Working Group (CNP) used metrics developed by the Working Group, but they were not able to make use of economic data from Gray, Associates (our consultant) because it was not yet available for analysis. CNP will continue in Spring 2024, focusing on New Programs. They will, however, have an opportunity to review the Gray economics data and are planning to write an update to their report that incorporates the new data when available.
AMP Current & New Programs Final Recommendations and Report Spring 2024
- Appendix 1 - New Programs
- Appendix 2 - COPLAC Peer Institution Survey
- Appendix 3 - Review of Interdisciplinary Programs and Structures
- Appendix 4 - Examples of Successful Hispanic-Serving Programs
- Appendix 5 - Equity and Sustainability
- Appendix 6 - CSU Resources for Additional Data
- Appendix 7 - Job Market Data
Opportunities for feedback:
- Thursday, January 19th, 2023: Faculty Retreat
- Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 12:00 - 1:00pm: Open-forum for campus on Current/New Programs
Presentations & Conversations:
- Faculty Retreat Conversation; AMP Current & New Programs
- Campus Open Forum; AMP Current & New Programs
Co-Chairs | Richard Whitkus & Stacey Bosick |
A&H Faculty | Eric McGuckin Sp'23 & F'23, Brian Wilson Sp'24 |
B&E Faculty | Aidong Hu |
EDU Faculty | Aja LaDuke |
S&T Faculty | Wendy St. John |
Soc. Sci. Faculty | Alexis Boutin Sp'23 & F'23, Bryan Burton Sp'24 |
LIB | Sam Cohen (At-Large) |
Lecturer | Sharon Fuller |
Assoc. Students | Athena Weathers Sp'23 & F'23, Avery Funk Sp'24 |
Staff Rep | Sara Jordan |
Dean | Ed Beebout |
Data Analyst, Office of Institutional Effectiveness: | Heather Brown |
Graduate Studies: | Derek Girman |
Staff to the Working Group | Nina Bardwell-Chanthalangs |