Instructional Student Assistants
Under supervision, Instructional Student Assistants in this classification perform teaching, grading, academic research, or tutoring duties for the majority of work hours in a given appointment in a given academic department or equivalent administrative unit over the course of an academic term. Assignments are made by academic department or equivalent administrative unit by a specific supervisor at a CSU campus. The work may be performed on-campus or at an off-campus public agency or private non-profit organization under an agreement with a campus in the CSU system.
Incumbents in this classification work part-time (typically 20 hours per week) during academic periods and may work full-time during academic break periods. Incumbents may have concurrent assignments in other Student Assistant classifications as long as the maximum hours are not exceeded. If the work is to be performed off-campus, CSU will assign a specific on-campus supervisor who will coordinate supervision and assignments pursuant to the terms of the agreement with the off-campus public agency or private non-profit organization.
Academic Student Employees Announcement Templates (POAs)
Graduate Assistant POA Template
Template for departments to use to post a position opportunity announcement (POA) for a Graduate Assistant. Please submit to to be approved and posted.
Instructional Student Assistant POA Template
Template for departments to use to post a position opportunity announcement (POA) for an Instructional Student Assistant. Please submit to to be approved and posted.
Teaching Associate POA Template
Template for departments to use to post a position opportunity announcement (POA) for a Teaching Associate. Please submit to to be approved and posted.
Academic Student Employees Appointment Forms
Appointment Form - Graduate Assistants
Fill out and submit this form to hire a Graduate Assistant (GA). This form must be signed electronically and emailed to Students working in this pay title provide non-teaching assistance to faculty members and are provided part-time employment and practical experience in fields related to their advanced study.
Appointment Form - Instructional Student Assistants
Fill out and submit this form to hire an Instructional Student Assistant (ISA). This form must be signed electronically and emailed to Students working in this pay title are assigned grading, teaching, academic research, or tutoring duties.
Appointment form - Work Study for Instructional Student Assistants and Graduate Assistants
Fill out and submit this form to hire an Instructional Student Assistant (ISA) under Federal Work Study (FWS). This form must be signed electronically (including a signature from Financial Aid) and emailed to Students working in this pay title are assigned grading, teaching, academic research, or tutoring duties.
Description of Duties Form
Description of Duties for an Academic Student Employee. The supervisor will need to complete this form with the student no later than the student's first day of work, and both will keep a copy in their records.
Teaching Associate Certification Statement
All Teaching Associates must complete and return this form to