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Classroom and Computer Lab Scheduling

Classroom Reservations

After ample time has been given to build the class schedule, allowing for adjustments and additions, academic departments are then allowed to reserve academic classroom spaces for department/school related class activities, such as school/department meetings, class breakouts, thesis defense, workshops.  This is done through 25Live, a web-based room scheduling software.  Features of the program along with room reservations are space/event searches, details of space features, various reports and the ability to publish events to calendars. A link to the program is provided at the left on the navigation bar.

The Academic Scheduling Office is responsible for setting up security for users and academic spaces as well as updating classroom features and training the academic users. Security is set up for users so they can only schedule academic spaces, even if other spaces on campus are visible.  Once a reservation has been made, it will be saved in Tentative status, holding the space while waiting confirmation from the Scheduling Office.

If you work in a department under the Academic Affairs Division and you have a need to reserve a classroom, contact the Academic Scheduling Office to discuss your needs and what can be set up for you in 25Live. Below you will find a link to a basic user's guide to the program.


Computer Lab Reservations

The Scheduling Office is responsible for scheduling four general use computer labs on campus that are supported by IT:

  • Schulz 1014
  • Schulz 2010
  • Stevenson 1109
  • Stevenson 1111
  • Stevenson 1208

During the building of the schedule for a particular term, a request to departments is sent out for their priority lab needs.  These are collected over a period of two weeks and then based on the need of each, the best fit for a lab is determined.  After that initial period of requests is fulfilled, then the campus can submit requests for a lab as needed.

To request a lab, fill out the Computer Lab Request Form on IT's website.

Once submitted, the form is emailed to the Academic Scheduling Office and IT.  The request is scheduled and then the requester is emailed back a confirmation. 

See IT's Labs & Tech Classrooms for information about lab use, number of computers, operating systems, software and lab hours and availability.