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Update on Academic reorganization and implementation and related Chair assigned time

Karen Moranski, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs and Jenn Lillig, Associate Dean of Academic Programs, Academic Reorganization Project Manager

Welcome back to the Spring semester 2024. The omnibus new academic structure proposal was released to Academic Affairs at the end of the fall semester. In addition, the proposal for recommended Chair assigned time in the new academic structure was released yesterday, January 18, for comment to the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, current Department Chairs, and Deans. Comments on both the omnibus proposal and the Chair assigned time are due to the Provost, in writing, by March 14, 2024. Please check with your representatives on the Academic Senate, Staff Council, or Associated Students for direction on how to have your comments included.

Right now we are working on preliminary implementation processes. We are working with our software stakeholders to begin testing phases for creation of a new academic hierarchy in PeopleSoft and to ensure all business needs are met when the new structure goes live July 1, 2024. We are also working with school AMs on change tracking check-lists and batch methods for helping schools transition current school-level processes to college-level processes and to make sure the right people have the right access to what they need to complete their work. We will also be updating the FAQ soon with implementation-related information. Additional information on all things academic reorganization can be found on this website. Additional questions can be sent to

Timeline Reminders

Jan 18 -Chair assigned time proposal released to deans, department chairs, and faculty governance for comment

Jan 22 -Curriculog curriculum proposal memo released with information relating to current 2024-2025 proposals and planning for 2025-2026 proposals after academic reorganization

Please review the instructions carefully and reach out to with any questions.

Jan 24 -Guidelines for Fall 2024 scheduling and budgeting released. This memo will contain information on course scheduling, FTES planning, entitlements, work assignments, and contracting, and processes for requesting additional department-level coordinator time.

Feb 2 -Professional Development for Chairs Topic: Scheduling and Assignment of Work in the Context of Academic Reorganization

Mar 8 -Plan for Department Coordinator assigned time, general duties, responsibility, and reporting requirements will be released for feedback

Mar 14 -Written comments on new academic structure proposal and chair assigned time due to Provost from governance bodies

Apr 1 -New academic structure finalized

Apr 8 -Changes to curriculum approval steps for governance or school curriculum committees due to If no changes are received, the approval process in Curriculog will utilize the current faculty governance and school committees as signatories in the curriculum approval process.

May 24   -Recommendations for Chairs due to deans

Jul 1   -New academic structure begins