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Message for Faculty from the Emergency Operations Center

To All Faculty re: Picking up teaching materials and signing up for classroom use on campus

To maintain health and safety, the campus Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has worked with the Faculty Center and academic leadership to develop two processes to assist you in moving to remote teaching and learning.

Please know that we anticipate a time when the public health crisis may cause SSU to limit people’s access to their offices. Also, it is important to know that faculty offices have not been appropriately sanitized and we cannot guarantee that they will be given the shelter-in-place order.

As such, we are implementing the following processes:

  1. Process to pick up teaching and learning materials from your office or lab quickly and efficiently.
  2. Sign-up process to use classrooms in Salazar Hall for remote teaching and learning. Classrooms are available only for faculty who absolutely need classroom access to film lectures or conduct other activities.

Sonoma State has many resources to assist you and your students:

  1. The Faculty Center has instructional design resources for teaching remotely. See their Teaching Through Disruptions web page.
  2. Academic Affairs has faculty, student, and parent resources available at the COVID-19 - Academic Affairs Info Hub.
  3. The IT Help Desk is available for technical questions by phone at 4-HELP. We are working on extended hours for the IT Help Desk and will update you as more information becomes available.




  1. Pick-up must be pre-scheduled to occur Monday, March 23, Tuesday, March 24, and Wednesday, March 25, between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm. Academic buildings will be locked outside of regular business hours.
  2. All CDC recommendations for health and safety remain in effect, including social distancing and limiting gathering.
  3. Deans will send out a spreadsheet sign-up process. Please make sure you sign up for a two-hour time slot. We can allow no more than 10 faculty per school per time slot. If you need more time, please work with your dean.


Deans will contact faculty to provide a sign-up process in time slots of two hours. Faculty are limited to ONE two hour-long time slot during the three-day period. If you need additional time, please coordinate with your dean. School offices will be open and staffed by one person during those 3 days.




  1. For your safety, a limited number of classrooms in Salazar Hall have been sanitized and are available for faculty who absolutely need classroom access to film lectures or conduct other activities. The expectation is that most learning activities will be done remotely, off-site, and asynchronously.
  2. To ensure equitable access to the classroom space, faculty may only sign up for one two-hour period per week.


Faculty who need to sign up for a classroom in Salazar Hall should email Dennis Goss at Please provide your name and your preferred date and time for a two-hour time block. Scheduling will be on the hour starting at 8 a.m. until 5 pm. He will assign a classroom to you.

We recognize you may have questions, so we encourage you to work with your dean and your chair.

Thank you for continuing to help us navigate these difficult circumstances.