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March 23, 2020 - Message to SSU Students: Transitioning to Remote Instruction

From the Provost

Dear Sonoma State Students,

We hope you are staying safe and well! We are living in very uncertain times. Thank you for continuing to pursue your educational goals at Sonoma State University.

Please remember that you are making history as the first generation of students to live through a pandemic in modern times. We are proud of you and of the resilience you are demonstrating every day as you follow all stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders, practice social distancing, and wash your hands for 20 seconds frequently throughout the day. Please follow all health and safety guidelines to protect yourself and your loved ones and keeping updated on COVID-19.

Tomorrow, March 24, we begin our first day of all-remote instruction. In moving our classes to remote modalities, we are joining thousands of other universities and schools across the nation in prioritizing the health and safety of our students. We want you to know that we are here to help you be academically successful during this transition.

Remember that your professors may choose to teach remotely in different ways that may include email, Zoom, and Canvas, for example. They will likely adjust assignments to align with this new reality.

Sonoma State is ready to help you as we transition to all-remote teaching and learning! As a starting point, please see the Academic Affairs COVID-19 Information Hub. Also, see our Student Resource Guide, written just for you.

  • For help with Zoom see SSU’s webpage: How to Use Zoom.
  • For help with Canvas see SSU’s webpage: Getting Started with Canvas.
  • Worried about remote learning in general and want to talk to someone who can help you make that switch? Contact NomaCares at (707) 664-3833 or, and an advisor or success coach will be in touch to provide support.
  • Need Tutoring? SSU’s LARC (Learning and Academic Resource Center) includes the Tutorial Program, Supplemental Instruction Program and the Writing Center. All LARC programs and services have shifted to be remote, mainly through Zoom. Appointments can be made online here:
  • Need support for Physical and Mental Health Concerns? If you are experiencing physical or mental health setbacks including stress please call Sonoma State’s Student Health Center (707-664-2921) or Counseling and Psychological Services (707-664-2153).
  • Concerned about your grades? If you are enrolled in courses that allow credit/no credit, you now have until April 17 to change the grade mode of your courses from letter grades to credit/no credit. We will provide a process for doing this in the next couple of days--stand by for more information. Please talk with your advisor about the impact of changing the grade mode of your courses on your semester and cumulative Sonoma State GPA. If you are a Veteran or have a scholarship that requires graded courses, please do not switch grade modes without checking with your advisor.
  • Concerned about financial aid? Contact your financial aid advisor at or (707) 664-2389.
  • Concerned about how you are doing in your classes? We encourage you to reach out to your professors to ask questions so you can be successful in these challenging times. If you know who your advisor is, please contact him or her for a conversation. And please remember you can always email if you want advice or need help.

Please know that SSU faculty and staff are fully committed to your success. We want you to get the most out of your educational experience this semester. We are here to help you realize your dream of graduating from SSU.

On behalf of Academic Affairs,

Lisa Vollendorf, Provost