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March 22, 2020 - Important Post-Spring Break Message for Faculty, Students, and Staff

Dear campus community,

As spring break ends, we want to acknowledge that we have never experienced a public health crisis of this magnitude in modern times. First and foremost, it is important to remember that all of us are in this together. 

The shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders in effect in Sonoma County and the state of California aim to protect the public health by containing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to follow these orders. 

We also must follow the basic hygiene recommendations (wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds) and social distancing requirements (six feet between people). The good news about COVID-19 is that simple washing with soap and water for 20 seconds will kill the virus on our hands. By socially distancing, staying at home, and hand washing for 20 seconds we have the power to protect ourselves, our communities, and our loved ones. 

Due to the increasing spread of COVID-19, the Library will close for the rest of the semester starting Wednesday, March 25 at 5 p.m. Until then, there will be limited access with limited staffing from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for students to check out laptops on a first-come, first-served basis. Faculty may also access necessary resources during this time.

Faculty have a process to pick up necessary teaching materials until Wednesday at 5 p.m. In the interest of public health, all faculty must follow the school sign-up process to access offices. Given the rapidly changing circumstances regarding COVID-19, technology-assisted classrooms will be available only through Wednesday, March 25, at 5 p.m. for faculty to record lectures or perform other activities. Please contact your dean if you have questions. 

After 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, SSU will be locking down most of its buildings with the exception of the first floor of the Student Center and residence halls. Students who need to use the Student Health Center must call ahead. 

Remote classes begin on March 24 (Tuesday). We have created extensive resources for our students and faculty to transition to remote teaching and learning. Our Faculty Center staff and faculty peer mentors are working hard to support this transition. The Academic Affairs COVID-19 Info Hub also has many resources.

Academic Advising, CAPS, tutoring, and other student support services are available remotely for students. 

Because SSU has transitioned to fully remote instruction and postponed Commencement, we are encouraging all campus residents who can move home safely to do so. Students who move out by March 31 will get a housing, parking, and meal plan refund. County officials are aware that Sonoma State is encouraging campus residential students move home safely, and they support this activity as a means of protecting the public health. It is safer for our students to visit the campus once in order to move out than it is for them to return to the university and live in the residential community long term. For public health reasons, students who choose to remain on campus will be relocated in an effort to increase social distancing. Messages to students are posted here.

Staff who need to pick up necessary items from their offices are encouraged to work directly with their supervisors to schedule a safe time to come to campus. SSU is working hard to minimize the number of required essential on-site staff. We recognize these are challenging times, so we encourage staff who are seeking an accommodation or other support to reach out either to their supervisor or directly to

Social distancing of six feet between people will be required at all times on campus to ensure we protect public health. Please remember that the safest place for you to be is in your home. 

These are indeed unprecedented times, and we are all in this together. Thank you for helping SSU protect the health and safety of our entire community while we continue to educate and support our students.



Lisa Vollendorf, Provost

Wm. Gregory Sawyer, Vice President for Student Affairs