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March 20, 2020 - New Dean of Social Sciences

Dear campus community,

I am pleased to have something to announce that does not relate to COVID-19: Dr. Troi Carleton has accepted our offer to be the next Dean of Social Sciences at Sonoma State University. She will start on July 1, 2020.

Troi is currently Associate Dean of the College of Liberal and Creative Arts at San Francisco State University, where she has been on the faculty since 1996. Having served as department chair, Academic Senate chair, and Associate Dean, Troi has a strong understanding of shared governance and collaborative leadership. 

She earned her Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of Texas, Austin. She is a documentary linguist whose home department will be Anthropology. 

Please join me in thanking the members of the search committee for helping us see this search through to a successful end: Hollis Robbins (chair), Kathleen Noonan, Laura Watt, Hilary Smith, Sam Cohen, Steve Karp, and Julie Wood. 


Lisa Vollendorf, Provost