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Faculty Access to Classroom Space

RE: Access to classroom space for synchronous or asynchronous instruction   

Background: For Fall 2020, eight classroom spaces have been set aside in Salazar Hall for use by the faculty for synchronous/asynchronous instruction. These spaces have technology packages that facilitate remote instruction. By providing centralized resources, in an open building, we can ensure all health and safety protocols are met including cleaning, sanitation, and air ventilation. 

  • Classroom Availability: Classrooms will be available Monday through Friday 8am-6pm. For courses being taught after 6pm, access is available until 10pm upon special request. To request a classroom space, please fill out the short-term request form, select Faculty, and request one-time or recurring classroom space. 

  • Health and Safety Supplies: Facilities Management will be cleaning classrooms between use and will provide hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes inside the classrooms. Faculty will be asked to wipe down items used before and after use. Information on proper cleaning of shared technology will be posted in each classroom. 

  • Resource Prioritization: Deans will work with the faculty to review and approve requests for classroom space. These requests will be prioritized to include faculty who have restrictions at home that may prevent them from being able accomplish online instruction. This may include, but is not limited to, lack of internet or technology resources, as well as the need for special equipment only available on campus.  

  • Campus Health and Safety Protocols while using the classroom: 

    • All faculty coming on campus are required to complete the wellness screening. Faculty are required to follow any instructions received as a result of the screening results including not visiting campus if symptoms are present or if there has been direct contact with an infected person.

    • Face coverings will be required at all times during your visit. You may remove the face covering when alone inside the room, provided a sign is placed on the outside of the door that states recording or streaming is in process. 

    • Physical distancing of 6 feet, or more, is required while on campus. Each classroom is reserved for one person only. Please make every effort to maintain appropriate physical distance from others in between use of the classroom and the parking lot. 

    • Bathrooms are available for use for faculty engaging in instructional activities in Salazar Hall and will be cleaned by Facilities Management.

    • Hand sanitizer should be used upon entry and exit from the classroom.

    • Hand washing and good personal hygiene are required. 

This process is intended to facilitate the guidance that we maintain a campus faculty/staff density of under 30%. While we do understand that there is a desire to teach from specific classrooms or offices, the need to maintain a safe and healthy campus community requires that we minimize the number of people on-site and that we minimize the spaces used for instructional purposes. Unless you have been approved through the short-term return to work process, please continue to work off-site. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: How do I request the classrooms for synchronous/asynchronous instruction?

A1: The request to use classrooms will follow the current Short-term campus visit request process. This process has been recently updated to allow faculty to indicate the need and frequency of the requested space. Once approved by the Dean of the School, Conference and Events Services will place the reservation on the official university calendar. Upon approval, a confirmation email will be sent with all of the applicable details and requirements for the classroom. 

Q2: Why were only eight rooms identified and which rooms are they? 

A2: The eight classrooms were selected by looking at available space in an open building (Salazar Hall) with the most recently updated technology. The University is required to maintain 30% or less of faculty and staff on campus. It is the directive of the Chancellor and the Governor to de-densify the campus, minimize use of indoor classroom spaces, and encourage work-from-home where possible, particularly while Sonoma County remains on the state watch list for coronavirus infection. The classrooms that have been identified as remote teaching rooms are SALZ 1016, 1018B, 1026, 1027, 1052, 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Q3: Why can’t I teach from my own personal office?

A2: Health and safety guidelines require a specific level of cleaning after a space is occupied by anyone. In addition, having open restrooms located within a reasonable distance from the faculty offices is required.  The intention of closing all but Salazar Hall and Darwin Hall is to limit the space requiring continuous cleaning and sanitization. By providing centralized space for synchronous/asynchronous instruction the University can ensure appropriate health and safety protocols, appropriate interior air turnover, and continuously cleaned restrooms.  


Q4: What if there aren’t any classrooms available when I want to teach? 

A4: If there are room conflicts at the time Conference and Events Services (CES) reserves the room they will reach out to the faculty member and Dean to identify a time that is available. If none of the available times are adequate, CES will ask the faculty and Deans to work together to find a mutually agreeable time. 

Q5: What if I need to teach from a lab with specialized equipment? 

A5: If there is a specific space, and it is within Salazar or Darwin Hall, please note the room number and reason for the request in the notes section of the Short Term Campus Visit request. If the request is for space outside of Salazar or Darwin Hall, please work with the Building Open schedule and request the facility on a day it is scheduled to be open. This will ensure that we are able to provide adequate health and safety support to and ensure proper ventilation in a building outside of Darwin and Salazar. 

Q6: Who do I talk to if I have questions about this process?

A6: Send all questions about the classroom reservation process through your school’s Dean. They will reach out to the appropriate person to help resolve the question quickly.