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Remote Instruction at SSU

As remote instruction continues at Sonoma State, we know that this new normal brings new challenges for students, faculty, and staff. The purpose of this section is to provide information and resources so that students at SSU are able to continue their work and studies successfully.

The focus of these resources is on academics at SSU. For general information regarding the university's ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please see the university COVID-19 information page. For non-academic information (such as information on student activities, food and housing, health and wellness, etc.), students should refer to the Student Affairs Student Resources page

Faculty will primarily be supported through the Center for Teaching and Educational Technology's Teaching Through Disruptions page, as well as Faculty Affairs' COVID-19 Info Page.

Quick Guide to Remote Instruction

Many classes will be offered online. “Remote Instruction” will mean different things in different classes. Here are three useful steps in order to help prepare yourself for success with remote learning and instruction.

Step 1: Remember to frequently check your “” email for updates from your instructors or the university. 

Step 2: Log into Canvas:

Step 3: Download Zoom (or other technologies your instructors are using).

Student Resource Navigation Guide

Resources for success with remote instruction can be found across the SSU website. For ease of use as we transition to this new normal, those that pertain to academics have been collected here.

  • SSU LARC - The Learning and Academic Resource Center (LARC) includes the Tutorial Program, Supplemental Instruction Program, and the Writing Center.
  • MESA Zoom Tutoring - Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) is offering virtual tutoring via Zoom.
  • SSU University Library - The University Library is available to assist with research and connect students with learning resources.


How do I obtain my textbooks or other course materials?

The university bookstore website is accepting orders and rentals for textbooks and orders for course materials. Physical items will be shipped to you.

How do I communicate with my professors?

It is important to stay in contact with your professors. Emailing a professor should be straightforward. These tips will help you write an email that is appropriate and gets an answer.

What if I don't currently own a computer?

The University Library has a limited number of laptops that can be borrowed by students for remote learning on a first-come, first served basis. Students must be enrolled in classes at SSU to qualify. While supplies last, you may request to have a Macbook laptop sent to your home address by completing this form

Laptops will be loaned for one semester, only. At the end of each academic term, all laptops must be returned to the library to undergo maintenance and repair for redistribution to remote learners for the following semester.

Can I still take my WEPT exam?

Please see the WEPT website for more information or email with any questions.

Where can I receive more help?

If you have other questions or would like additional information or support please contact

How do I know what is happening at Sonoma State?

We encourage you to check your SSU email as well as the SSU website frequently and also to sign up for our emergency notification system (ENS). We use the ENS for urgent communication needs so be sure to sign up!

Important Communications