Adding Options, Concentrations, Emphasis, Tracks and Minors
Options, Concentrations, Emphasis, Tracks and Minors are subprograms that have minimal requirements relative to the major core. Please see CSU Information About Adding Options, Concentrations, Emphasis, Tracks and Minors for more information.
Revisions to minors, concentrations and emphasis follow the revision process for revision to a degree program. Please use the Program Revision form in Curriculog.
Checklist for Adding Minors, Concentrations and Emphasis
- Submit a New Program proposal in Curriculog for any new courses and include syllabi. (See New Programs: Step by Step in the Curriculog Tutorials on Canvas).
- School and Department identified.
- Contact person identified.
- School Curriculum Committee approval noted.
- Indicate if GE or Graduate Studies affected, if so obtain approvals and signatures.
- Provide basic detail about changes and clearly indicate date of proposed implementation.
- Upload a document in the Curriculog proposal showing side by side changes in the minor, concentration or emphasis.
- Provide a rationale for the change(s).
- If another School is affected by this change, include a letter of acknowledgment.
- Clearly indicate if any resource changes are required or how resources are being deployed differently due to the change.
- Discuss the learning outcomes met by the sub program.
- Discuss how the sub program will be assessed.
Proposals for minors, concentrations and emphasis will be reviewed and approved at the School level by the School Curriculum Committee (or its equivalent), EPC, the Senate, the Provost (President's Proxy).
Subsequent to receiving Chancellor’s Office confirmation and prior to implementation of any option, concentration or special emphasis (or similar subprogram) approved under this delegation, the campus shall enter the new subprogram into the CSU Degrees Database. Minors are not included in the CSU Degrees Database.