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Proposing A New Course

Overview Guidelines

Proposals for changing curriculum in new courses can be linked to a program revision, or be submitted by department faculty individually. The resources below can guide you through the process of proposing a new course.

New courses proposals must be submitted for approval on a New Course Form within Curriculog.

A sample syllabus must accompany a new course. You can refer to the Syllabus Policy and review the campus accessibility standards.

Select a teaching mode for the new course: either face-to-face, hybrid or online. New online or hybrid courses are approved through the regular curriculum review process, following the same process as any new course.

Lower division courses presume no background on the part of the student and limited experience with college level work. Upper-division courses are designed for students with greater skill or experience with college work, and require abstract thinking, application and analysis. Upper-division courses will have prerequisites or catalog statements describing the level of preparation needed to enroll.

CSU Course Classification System (CS Numbers)

Please use the following course numbering when proposing a new course:

  • 90-99 Non-baccalaureate level

  • 100-299 Lower-division courses

  • 300-499 Upper-division courses

  • 500-599 Graduate level courses

 General Education:

If your new course is a General Education Course, please see the General Education page as well as these Title 5 & CSU GE Definitions & Requirements: