Curriculum Deadlines

AY 2024-2025

August 2: Restricted courses open

Sep 1, 2024
  • Deadline for course proposals to reach EPC in Curriculog for Winter 2025 scheduling
  • Catalog update forms go out to departments to edit programs


Early October: Draft schedule for Spring 2025 due

Oct 1, 2024 New course and course updates must be completed through Curriculog approval process for Spring 2025 scheduling
Nov 1, 2024
  • Deadline to notify AP of program to add to AMP for 2026-2027 or later catalog target (new programs, degree elevations)
  • Deadline for new programs/program revisions and new courses/course revisions to reach EPC in Curriculog for target offerings AY 2025-2026


Early November: Spring 2025 Schedule live

Dec 1, 2024
  • Deadline for catalog update forms to be returned to catalog analyst for updating 2025-2026 catalog
  • Current Curriculog forms for upcoming catalog deactivated and unlaunched Curriculog forms deleted
Dec 15, 2024 Deadline for departments to provide AMP details to AP


January 5: Restricted courses open

Early February: Draft schedule for Fall 2025 due

Feb 1, 2025 New course and course updates must be completed through Curriculog approval process for Summer and Fall 2025 scheduling


Mar 1: AY 2025-2026 Catalog published

Mar 2, 2025 Launch window for 2026-2027 catalog window open


Early April: Fall 2025 Schedule live

5, 2025

Recommended launch deadline for all courses/programs for the AY 2026-2027 catalog and scheduling


AY 2025-2026

August 3: Restricted courses open

Sep 1, 2025
  • Deadline for course proposals to reach EPC in Curriculog for Winter 2025 scheduling
  • Catalog update forms go out to departments to edit programs


Early October: Draft schedule for Spring 2026 due

Oct 1, 2025 New course and course updates must be completed through Curriculog approval process for Spring 2026 scheduling
Nov 3, 2025
  • Deadline to notify AP of program to add to AMP for 2027-2028 or later catalog target (new programs, degree elevations)
  • Deadline for new programs/program revisions and new courses/course revisions to reach EPC in Curriculog for target offerings AY 2026-2026


Early November: Spring 2026 Schedule live

Dec 1, 2025
  • Deadline for catalog update forms to be returned to catalog analyst for updating 2026-2027 catalog
  • Current Curriculog forms for upcoming catalog deactivated and unlaunched Curriculog forms deleted
Dec 15, 2025 Deadline for departments to provide AMP details to AP


January 4: Restricted courses open

Early February: Draft schedule for Fall 2026 due

Feb 2, 2026 New course and course updates must be completed through Curriculog approval process for Summer 2026 scheduling


Mar 1: AY 2026-2027 Catalog published

Mar 2, 2026 Launch window for 2026-2027 catalog window open


Early April: Fall 2026 Schedule live

Mar 3, 2026

Recommended launch deadline for all courses/programs for the AY 2026-2027 catalog and scheduling