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Curriculum Guide

The SSU Curriculum Guide is provided to assist faculty and the curriculum committees in the development and processing of curricular proposals. 

All Curriculum proposals must be submitted in Curriculog.

Department Name Change


Prior to developing a new degree program proposal, departments will need to schedule a consultation with the Associate Dean of Academic Programs.

The Program Planning Guide can help you develop new programs as well as revise current programs, including concentrations, emphasis and minors.



Cross-Listing MOU for GE Area 6
Resources and Professional Development Opportunity

Contacts For Support

For assistance with developing curriculum proposals, contact Jenn Lillig

For assistance with Curriculog, or questions about the catalog, contact Kari Manwiller.

For ARR questions, contact Katie Musick, (707) 664-2844. 

Does My Proposal Need a Notification or Approval from the Chancellor's Office?

Proposals that require approval by Chancellor's Office:

  • New baccalaureate or master's degree
  • Elevation of emphasis or concentration to full degree
  • New subplan/concentration
  • New Site Location, Program Modality or Program Source

Proposals that require notification to Chancellor's Office:

  • Discontinue a baccalaureate or master's degree
  • Discontinue a subplan/concentration
  • Substantive changes to program or requirements

Proposals that do not need Chancellor's Office approval or notification:

  • New minor, credential or certificate
  • Discontinue minor, credential or certificate
  • Minimal adjustments to the program
  • Cosmetic changes to clarify existing program requirements
  • Add approved course as "option" to existing list of electives
  • Academic Reorganization
  • Creation or elimination of noncredit program