Academic Scheduling
The Academic Scheduling Office oversees the building of the schedule of classes for the Fall and Spring terms. This includes the assigning of rooms to general lecture/discussion/seminar classes as well as building requisites used for registration. The office fulfills computer lab requests for the four general-purpose computer labs and also assists and confirms classroom reservations for academic related events within 25Live.
The second main function of the Academic Scheduling Office is maintaining the course catalog within PeopleSoft/MySSU. This includes adding new courses as well as updating or inactivating existing courses approved by the EPC (Educational Policy Committee).
Also on this webpage you will find forms needed to enroll in Special Studies, Internships and Community Volunteer work.
General Purpose Classroom Refresh Initiative
The General Purpose Classroom Refresh Initiative began in the Office of the Provost in 2018 with the recognition by faculty, staff, students, and administrators that many of our classrooms were in poor condition and needed technology upgrades to ensure the highest quality teaching and learning possible. The General Purpose Classroom Refresh Initiative began in the Office of the Provost in 2018 with the recognition by faculty, staff, students, and administrators that many of our classrooms were in poor condition and needed technology upgrades to ensure the highest quality teaching and learning possible.
ยป Learn more about the General Purpose Classroom Refresh Initiative.
Revised Scheduling Modules

In December 2019, the Academic Senate approved a new set of course scheduling modules to be implemented for Fall 2020. These modules offer maximum flexibility for faculty and academic departments while providing students with a standardized set of meeting times and at least 10 minutes to move between classes with greater ease. The new modules have been designed to have minimal impact to faculty in terms of pedagogy, course enrollment targets, and course meeting patterns. All courses will now start on the hour or half hour.
These modules were designed in a collaborative and consultative manner as a partnership between APARC and the Office of the Provost. APARC consulted with Deans, Department Chairs, and faculty in a variety of departments and was presented at the Academic Senate in several phases of development. The new scheduling modules will lead to better course planning and will better address student demand.
Accessibility Pledge for Accountability and Transparency
The Academic Scheduling Office is committed to accessibility and making every effort to provide data and reports in a manner that is easy to navigate and accessible. If you have problems viewing items on this site or downloading content, please e-mail Dennis Goss.