Next Steps: University Program Review Subcommittee

The University Program Review Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the Academic Planning, Assessment and Resources Committee (APARC)  charged with reviewing all program reviews. For the complete charge and current membership, visit the Academic Senate.

For faculty members working on their program review, this will help guide them through the final steps of the program review process.

Points to Guide Discussions between Programs and the UPRS


  • What are the primary things your program learned from the process of doing the study?

  • What did you find useful in the process?

  • Additionally, the committee would like your take on:

    • Input from your Dean

    • Program's response to external review

Action Plan

  • Tell us about your action plan, especially the following:

    • Things the department can do to effect change given current resources

    • What are your future goals and what resources do you need to fulfill those goals?

  • Please share your program learning outcomes and their assessment strategies. How might you use these results in program improvement?

  • What kinds of assistance would be helpful in assessing learning outcomes?

How our committee can support you

  • We will be reporting to APARC at the end of the year. What are the top 3 things you would like us to highlight for APARC?