Welcome back to the Spring semester 2024. The omnibus new academic structure proposal was released to Academic Affairs at the end of the fall semester.
Our departments are currently exploring new organizational structures with the aims of growing enrollment for programs, maintaining curricular integrity with losses of faculty, and developing interdisciplinary practices that encourage student-centered and inclusive pedagogies and foster faculty
The Academic Master Plan effort is officially underway and off to a strong start. Thus far, we have held three sessions at the Faculty Retreat in January as well as two additional open forums for Strategic Scheduling and Current/New Programs.
I write to provide our third update of the semester on the progress of the Academic Master Plan.
This memo provides our second update of the semester on the progress of the Academic Master Plan. I am deeply grateful for the sustained, deep work the Steering Committee and Working Groups are doing.
DRAFT Academic Reorganization Vision Statement:
As we embark on departmental and school reorganization in Fall 2023, we have developed a process for departmental reorganization.
I wish you all the best this summer as you gather strength and happiness from summer sunshine (and rain, surprisingly), a different pace of work, and plans for travel and rest.
As we end this academic year, I wanted to provide faculty–both lecturers and tenure track faculty with an update on the discussions I have been having about Faculty Affairs.