College Placement

The California State University (CSU) is committed to providing students a successful college experience and has implemented measures to ensure first-time freshmen are placed in appropriate GE courses in English and math. These courses are known as written communication and mathematics/quantitative reasoning (QR). The goal is for students to be fully prepared and successful at the CSU campus they attend. 

How Does the CSU’s Academic Preparation Policy Help First-Time Freshmen? 

There are several ways to determine which GE English and math courses are right for each student. Many factors known as “multiple measures” will be used to evaluate each student’s academic preparation in these subjects.

Why Does This Matter?

  • An early assessment of English and math skills can better prepare students for college-level coursework
  • Multiple measures provide students different ways to demonstrate college readiness
  • The use of high school coursework is shown to be a strong predictor of a student’s success in college
  • This allows the university to enroll students in GE English and math courses that are aligned with their needs and career goals

How the CSU uses multiple measures (CAASPP/EAP, ACT, SAT, AP, high school coursework) for placement visit to Estimate your Placement.

Placement in GE A2 English/Written Communication: All Majors

Placement in GE B4 Math/QR: Algebra and Statistics Disciplines, Non-STEM and Undecided Majors

Placement in GE Math/QR: Pre-STEM/STEM and Other Math-Intensive Majors