Elevating an Option or Concentration to a Full Degree

Any subprogram that is seeking to elevate their program to a full degree must prepare a proposal as if it was a new degree, in that it must reflect the needs of the students and the state, be broadly based, and demonstrate depth, relevance and applicability to the real world of work.

View the CSU Office of the Chancellor guidance document Elevating Options and Concentrations to Full Degree Major Programs

View the Elevating Options or Concentrations to a Full Degree Program Template.doc

Launch an Elevation to Full Degree Form in Curriculog

In addition departments must upload the following to their proposal in Curriculog: 

  1. A program overview, a description of the program’s fit with the institutional mission or institutional learning outcomes, and a rationale for elevating the option or concentration at this time;
  2. The proposed catalog copy including the program description, degree requirements and admission requirements, (including course catalog numbers, titles, course units), and admission requirements. For master’s degrees, please also include catalog copy describing the culminating experience requirement(s);
  3. A side-by-side comparison showing the course requirements of the existing degree major and concentration on one side and the proposed new major on the other;
  4. A comprehensive assessment plan addressing all assessment elements and a curriculum map matrix showing where student learning outcomes are introduced (I), developed (D), and mastered (M);
  5. Enrollment numbers in the option for the past three to five years;
  6. Teach-out policy language to accommodate those students who will complete the original program with the option or concentration;
  7. Evidence the current option will be discontinued once all existing students exit the program;
  8. Documentation of the campus approval process with written evidence of continued administrative support to sustain the stand-alone program.